After all these years of guesses, prophecies and other confirming irritations we are happy to announce that „Legacy of the Dark Lands“ will be released on November 1, 2019. Yes, it is the ORCHESTRAL ALBUM and the release date is carved in stone …, we hope:-).To be prepared for this once in your lifetime experience you better get your version of „Die Dunklen Lande“ by our friend Markus Heitz, which is out now. „Die Dunklen Lande“ is closely connected to the orchestral album and features the prequel to „Legacy of the Dark Lands“. It might also help killing time, a little bit:-) Enjoy.

You want to know more about the dark lands? Here is a link you then better do not ignore:

Produced by Beastwood Films,
Filmed & edited by Dirk Behlau,


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